Welcome Back
If visiting the centre for essential retail services, or to collect a take-away, please follow all the safety guidelines we have set in place. You’ll see signs clearly displayed at the entrances and around the centre, reminding you of the need to social distance and to use the hand sanitisers provided. We would like to share the steps we are taking to keep our customers safe while they shop with us.
FLOOR MARKINGS have been installed to help with physical distancing and where necessary for queueing outside shops.
HAND SANITISER STATIONS are located at the Mall entrances and at access points to the first floor Orpen Mall and all shoppers are encouraged to use these frequently as they move from store to store. Individual shops will also have hand sanitising stations inside their stores.
The FREQUENCY OF CLEANING has been INCREASED to ensure that all touchpoints are regularly sanitised.
We have recruited ADDITIONAL SECURITY, CLEANING AND CAR PARK STAFF to help you with any queries you have when you visit us and to help with movement around the Centre.
Each retailer will have their own STORE GUIDELINES AND CUSTOMER NUMBER RESTRICTIONS in place for safe shopping within their shop. Please make sure you check these safety guidelines before you enter each store.
We will continue to work with our stores and implement the latest HSE guidelines to ensure our customers safety. Priority hours for those at risk will be extended to all stores as we reopen. We ask that you bear with us as we implement safety measures across the entire Centre.
Stay Local and Shop Local!